Campaign Manager - Campaign Activity Monitor

Campaign Activity Monitor

The Campaign Activity Monitor allows you to view real-time activity of recent, current and near-future email deployments originating from Campaign Manager and Email Manager.

The Campaign Activity Monitor displays by default today's activity, along with the previous 2 days and the following 3 days. You can set the number of days displayed to a maximum of today +/- 28 days.


Campaign Activity Monitor does not take into account daylight saving time changes for upcoming scheduled deployments.

If you want to view more extensive historic activity, use the Campaign History functionality.

The default display for Campaign Activity Monitor is to show all Email campaign activity for the configured EM account, regardless of the source. Your administrator can set up Campaign Activity Monitor to display only CM email deployments originating from the current CM system, and not deployments from other CM systems that use the same EM account.

You can use the Campaign Activity Monitor to:

  • monitor outbound Email Manager campaign deployments for any immediate issues or current progress
  • view a historical record of completed deployments (maximum of 28 days data)
  • identify campaign deployments scheduled for the near future
  • easily link to campaigns in Campaign Manager
  • cancel deployments originating from Email Manager
  • cancel Campaign Manager campaigns completely

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